Dear Epiphany Faithful,
It is with mixed emotions that I share with you that I have accepted a call to serve as the Canon to the Ordinary of the Diocese of Oklahoma. These past thirteen years serving alongside you have been a tremendous gift to me. You all have taught me so much through your love for God and joyful sharing of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Gardner and I will miss you all terribly.
My last Sunday will be our annual meeting on January 29th. Bishop Sumner will appoint an Interim Rector to serve after I leave. The bishop will also provide details and guidance to the Vestry regarding the call process for the next rector. Your wonderful clergy and staff will continue to serve and to encourage you to participate in the exciting mission of the parish.
God’s blessings at Epiphany are evident: baptisms, confirmations, ordinations, and so many new folks joining the community. Every worship service is animated with the joyful noise of little ones. The facilities team is at work preparing for the start of the Epiphany School in the fall of 2023. Bible studies and fellowship are building community for the Wylie church plant. Giving continues at record levels allowing the parish to give more to outreach and missions than ever before.
I know that God’s redeeming work will continue in vibrant ways in this new season. My love and prayers will be with you as you serve God, the parish, and the community.
Yours in Christ,